Sisi Salewa (Infatuation or Love)

Sisi Salewa (Infatuation or Love)

It was early in the morning around 6 am when Salewa jogged past him that faithful Saturday morning on the third mainland bridge. He was a tall, dark and handsome guy- Salewa’s spec on top of that, he was well built.
Six-packs - Check.
Broad shoulder - Check.
She melted at the sight of him as her heart raced faster than her legs had gone in the last 20 minutes that she has been jogging. Salewa seemed to be trapped in time, her feet could become so slow that a tortoise would have outrun her. She kept on staring at him till he faded out of her sight. Still facing his direction while she moved backward, she bumped into Tomide- a guy she met on her last trip to the Bahamas. Tomide stepping on her shoelace and hitting her shoulder, she popped like corn metamorphizing into popcorn at the same time regaining her consciousness.
What? They both exclaimed. Tomide whose running pace has been altered grabbed her and said, "Please! Watch where…" Before he could finish his sentence, he saw her face and immediately remembered her.
"You are the lady I meet on my last trip to the Bahamas", he said. Salewa gaining her ground again exclaimed, Tomide, right? And he nodded in affirmation. Salewa bending to tie her shoelace simultaneously asked, "What are you doing here?" Tomide, shaking his head left and right as if he was trying to shake down the answer down to his mouth answered, "I am here on a business trip that is going to last for the next 6 months, so let’s just say I am here to stay."

Standing up, she sighed heavily and said, you are welcome home. Still surprised at their meeting, they laughed and spent the next couple of minutes having a chit-chat about how the Bahamas was. Hearing her timer beep, she exclaimed, "Oh my God I am late!" 
Apparently, she had a program to attend. She rushed to say her goodbye as Tomide asked if she would like to hang out some other time, maybe Sunday evening. She agreed and they exchanged contact. She ran off smiling from ear to ear as she reminisced about the tall, dark, handsome and well-built guy she jogged past and all the memories she just shared with Tomide. She said to herself, "what a good day today is going to be". 
(Sigh) What if I told you that Salewa is a sister of mine and you need to pay attention and learn from her story because there is a lot to learn from it and because she shared it with me. Lol… Snap out of it! I only wish I have a sister called Salewa but I don’t. I am sure you enjoyed the story up until this moment. Thank you for traveling with me from wherever you are to the third mainland bridge. I hope you enjoyed the ride?
Join me tomorrow as we find out what happened when Salewa meets with Tomide the next day. Till tomorrow, keep smiling and say to yourself “love is beautiful and I will nurture it to bliss”. I love you. 

Part 2

The day was Sunday and service was awesome. The pastor preached about love and forgiveness. All through the service, Salewa could not get herself to stop thinking about the previous day and all that had happened which was as good as not being in the church. She was so absent-minded. Thoughts about how the tall, dark, and handsome guy jogged past her, his skin tone and his broad shoulders kept playing in her head. She imagined herself on a date with him and both of them jogging together. That she did till the end of the service. A couple of hours after getting home she got a call from Tomide reminding her of their hangout and where to meet. 

Fortunately for her, Tomide lived in an environment close to one of the best malls in town and as they walked into the mall Kola and Tomide saw each other from afar, exchanged friendly greetings, and talked for a moment. Guess who Kola is? The talk, dark, and handsome guy from the other day. Salewa’s face instantly lit up like a light bulb and she was so eager to be introduced by Tomide. She was barely able to keep her composure through the introduction, as soon as Kola left them and they walked into the restaurant in the mall, Salewa could not stop talking about how much she loved Kola and how she would do anything to make him happy. 

Tomide, still wondering what was happening made things worse by saying: I never knew you were into him but he lives right next door to me. She made it her mission to visit Tomide so she could find out where Kola stayed and she succeeded in doing that. The next day after work she hurried to grab a bottle of wine with the intention to visit Kola and make friends with him. Getting to his house, she introduced herself as Tomide’s friend and claimed she just wanted to say hello. Kola with a smile on his face let her into the house and offered her a seat. They had chatted for a while when Salewa mentioned that she jogged past him two days ago on the third mainland bridge. She also used that as an opportunity to express how she feels about him. Salewa expressed her “love” for him the best she could but somehow, he finds that hard to believe and with good reason, considering they’ve only just met and known almost nothing about each other.
But what do you think? Is Salewa truly in LOVE or is she just INFATUATED with Kola? Let me know what you think about the comment session.

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