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5 Simple Steps To Having The Best Relationship Journal

Hey darling, I hope the day is going as planned? Yesterday, we talked about 5 reasons why keeping a joint relationship journal is essential for you and your partner. Today we will be talking about 5 simple fun steps to having the best relationship journal. You should take note that these steps will lead to more fun and connection in your relationship, especially points 1 and 3.

Go journal shopping:
 One of the major aims of doing this is so that you both can agree on a journal that you like while having fun and spending time together. You and your partner can decide to pick out a day where you want to do general shopping, add a journal to your shopping list. You can also decide to go journal shopping with your partner after which you can go on a picnic date where you both can start using your journal.
Agree on Who to Hold Journal:
Because you both are in a relationship and are not yet living together, someone must be responsible for the journal. This will give you bought an opportunity to take responsibility for something that belongs to both of you. You can also decide to switch the responsibility from time to time.

Never Fill the Journal in the Absence of Your Partner:
This point has spoken for itself. There may be times when you are not with your partner but you feel like you need to record an event, Don't! The point of doing this is so that you both can share the emotions and spend time together well writing in your journal. Watch out for tips on how long-distance relationships couples can keep a joint journal.

Attached Pictures:
Visuals like pictures and images help to relate better to different occurrences. To make your journal more fun, colorful, and memorable you both can take time to attach pictures to the various event that you decide to record in your journal. It can also be images or objects, anything that can bring emotions to life at all times.

Never Journal Without Date and Location:
Who does not like an accurate journal? It will be stressful when doing the future you need to remember when and where an event occurred. Adding date and location to each memory in your journal will make it more fun because it will be like a little reference book where you can go to anytime you need to remember an event or an anniversary.
 The point in doing this make memory while you have fun, learn and spend time together. I look forward to hearing your journal stories. Till tomorrow, know that love is beautiful and we can nurture it to bliss. I Love You.
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Sisi Salewa 2 (Infatuation or Love)

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