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Hold Up Review.

Today I will be reviewing a book titled Hold Up written by Nelson and Adeola. This book was published on their third year of courting (so sweet!). Before I start, I would like to state that this book does not deserve a 10 over 10 if I am to score it. Not at all.
The book- Hold up, was written by this couple for people in long distance relationship and it contains compilations of engaging activities that spice up any long-distance relationship. These activities are based on their own personal experience, it is so nice that they decided to share with other couples through this book ways to keep fueling their relationship even when they are miles apart.
A good number of activities were listed and well explained in this book- about 20 of them. They also shared 35 date ideas for partners and considering that they are a couple that help other people have a great relationship not only with their partner but with God- a Godly relationship, they also said a prayer at the end of the book.
From the point of view of a relationship coach, is this book goo? Is it a book that can be recommended to clients? YES! Definitely.
All the activities in the book can be performed by couples in long distance relationship and short distance relationship. All activities are very possible as long as you are open to adventure and trying out new things. All the activities were well stated and trust me, if you want to light up the flame in your relationship, don’t let this book slide past you.
Albeit, all the activities are nice and worth giving a try, I have a few that really stand out for me.
• Plan Your Future: as a relationship coach, I have noticed that not every couples does this. This particular activity is often overlooked and pushed into the when-the-time-comes-we-will-know-what-to-do lane. Planning your future with your partner should not be overlooked because it, will help you to know your partner even in a long-distance relationship. I love the way this activity was explained.
• Read a book together: if you haven’t been doing this in your relationship, it is never too late. Get a copy of Hold up and start with it.
• Have fun with one another: how on earth is that possible in a long-distance relationship? It is very possible and this book has simplified it in such a way that is not only easy but, in a way, that fun is all what your relationship will, be even when you are far apart from your partner.
• Prank your partner: this is my second-best activity in this book. Pranking can be really fun but risky if you don’t know what to do. If you will like to prank your partner, you will have to do it wisely.
• Pray and study with voice or video calls: considering that the couple are interested in helping you build a relationship with God and your partner, they made it so easy to try out this great activity.
To make use of any of these activities, you have to be open minded to change and try new things. The book is such a great read, it is worth every time you invest in it. All this relationship changing goodness in one book and it deserves a 10 over 10? No, it deserves more. Like 20 over 10 (if that is possible). To get the book (for free) click on this link 

3 تعليقات

  1. Long distance relationships are easy to get detached from so its very important for couples to engage themselves in activities, how ever. It is in rededicating as much time and attention as is In a physical relationship that does the trick.
    1. That is the point giving enough time and attention with the right activities.
      Thank you Mark
  2. Thanks really for taking time to explain this and especially for the link to download the book.
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