How to Discuss Money in Your Relationship

In 1st Timothy 6:10, the Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. However, money in itself is a requirement to successfully live the good life that you desire and your relationship is definitely included in that good life. 

How to Discuss Money in Your Relationship - Two Become One Blog

There are many conversations on various matters that concern couples that at times, we forget that there is thee issue of money. Many people believe that money conversations, especially in a relationship are awkward. This is not true. Money is a crucial subject in every relationship and must be discussed with an open mind. When you feel awkward about such an important conversation, you would likely begin to shy away from it, and this can have adverse effects.

1. Keep the romance: Go on money dates

Though it is a money talk, you don’t want it to be all rigid and boring by making the atmosphere tense and setting a wrong pace for conversations. You can choose to have an affordable fun outing that ends up with dinner. Alternatively, especially if you are married, you can decide to cook each other’s favourite meals and have fun at that. The idea is to keep the atmosphere beautiful and calm.

2. Stick to a Schedule

With so much happening around us these days, we can unintentionally forget even the most important things. In order not to fall into this 21st-century trap you should commit to reminding each other about the date in a fun way. You can step up your game by setting secret love alarms on your partner’s phone; popping up a few days to the date. The alarms should have short beautiful heartfelt messages and a reminder attached.

3. Discuss your money goals together

If you want to be serious about financial progress, you have to set goals. Starting an investment plan, together or individually, is a good way to realize your financial goals in a rewarding manner. If you don’t have financial goals you are building up for already you can set one and review on subsequent money dates. For reviews, you would both get to assess how well you are doing with your commitments and how to improve if there is a need to.

You can set up a joint savings account with your loved one, using Circles.

Read: How to Manage Exes in Your Relationship

4. Start a Budget Game

Even though you might invest together, you would spend individually. A date like this presents a good time to assess individual spendings. It is a moment for individual reflections, and not a time to castigate one another. So take turns to speak and encourage each other to do better where there is slack. You can design individual budgets and grow together.

Taking out time to speak about your money would not only help improve your financial life but help reduce stress and anxiety according to Britney Castro; a financial expert. Also, it would help promote transparency between both of you and that would help strengthen your bond. You should get started with it and share your experience with us when you do; if you don’t mind.


Every woman (and every man) loves money, especially the ones who tell you they don’t. The only advice and prayer is that you don’t marry a glutton. Once you make your peace with this, you’ll accept fate that you will spend money once a woman (or anyone you truly love) is involved. Also, your decision to follow the tips we have share above will help you learn how to deal with Money Matters in your Relationship 

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