T.B.O is an acronym for Two Become One.
We are a God-inspired platform for single ladies and guys to have a rapport with God in their courting journey till two becomes one. It is also an extension platform for married couples and individuals who are generally concerned with their relationship life. The Two Become One community is a large network of singles, couples and individuals in relationships that is committed to growth and bonding in the perfect will of God.
At Two Become One, we run content, programmes and events that brings ladies and gentlemen to the recognition of God's interest in their relationships and His standards too. These content includes Relationship & Lifestyle Content, Book Reviews, Interviews, hangouts, prayer lines/conferences, FAQ and Bible study sessions as well as mentorship/counselling sessions. We also host an online WhatsApp Community of Relationship Conscious individuals which operates following our community outline. You can download the Two Become One Community Outline by clicking here and read about our founders here