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Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde

Three Ps You Must Engage in Your Relationship

While it is true that there are many things that can help a relationship grow stronger,  there can only be a better summary for them all. This is wh…

How to Stand in God's Will for Your Relationship

At one point in time or the other, you must have heard or read something about God's will. However, there is always a new side in the understandi…

How to Write a Joint Relationship Journal (Even in a Long Distance Relationship)

The post about keeping a joint journal made me get a lot of requests from couples in long-distance relationships on how they can keep their relations…

How to be Intentional with Your Partner’s Birthday

August 23rd every year marks my baby, Adeola’s birthday. My birthday comes on the 9th of June which is almost two months before. I have noticed ove…

Conviction, Communication and Romance in Godly Relationships

Many times, we are asked how we got the conviction that we were meant for each other, especially because many people today have specs for the kind …

10 Major Prayers To Pray While Waiting

There are Here is a compilation of ten major prayer points

5 Reasons Why You want a Friends with Benefits Relationship

The friend with benefits tag is  commonly used to refer to people in a look-alike relationship. While this is completely different from the friend-zo…

5 Ways to Successfully Ask a Christian Lady Out

First, make sure you are confident and have a clear idea of what you want to ask the lady out for (i.e. a date, a coffee, etc.).     Approach the l…

3 Lies that Satan tells Singles and How to Combat them

The devil has a reputation as the father of lies   1. You need to Date When the devil comes to you, he brings up seemingly interesting discussions su…
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