The devil has a reputation as the father of lies
1. You need to Date
When the devil comes to you, he brings up seemingly interesting discussions such as "how will you be able to handle a relationship if you’ve never been in one? You need to learn how to talk to people of the opposite sex. You’re awkward... and all that" He also tells you that, dating will help you be prim and proper for when you meet the one. However, this seemingly harmless advice can turn harmful. Soon enough, you will need to practice kissing, intimacy and other things in order to be prepared for your significant other. Incidentally, when you meet the person God has for you, you might be broken and dealing with soul ties.
This is why it’s best to trust God’s timing and not force situations to happen. Feeling that you need practice does not indicate your trust in God. God will use experiences, tests and even the mundane parts of your life in order to prepare you for your future spouse (read the book of Ruth). Trust that God is working all things for your good.
2. You’re Too Old
If you are having a crisis because your biological clock is ticking, you should know that it's the devil's lie at work. Do not fear because God’s timing is not always the same as yours. The devil will usually come through your relatives and friends who will begin to pressure you into a relationship because you’re almost 30. You’re panicking because with each additional year, you feel that your opportunity of meeting someone significantly decreases. However, God can place someone at a bus stop who can completely transform your life. We must have child-like faith and trust that God knows what we need.
If you are older and haven’t met your spouse, you are in good company. Jesus started his ministry at 30 (and was single whilst on earth) and Joseph began serving Pharaoh when he was 30.
3. You’re not Good Enough
No one likes you. You’re too weird, fat or (fill in the blank with the lie the enemy has for you). Counter these lies with God’s truths. You have to be aggressive in casting down the taunts of the enemy! God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. When lies are entrenched in your psyche, it affects your countenance, how you talk and your self – esteem. When God finally blesses you with a good thing, you may be constantly doubting yourself. As a result, the relationship suffers.
Counter these lies by soaking yourself in God’s word. Mediate on His promises. Be proactive in what you allow your ears to hear, eyes to see and lips to utter.
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