The post about keeping a joint journal made me get a lot of requests from couples in long-distance relationships on how they can keep their relationship alive. Are you in a long-distance relationship and it seems impossible for you to keep a joint journal since you are hundreds or thousands of miles away from your partner? Here I am today to tell you that keeping a joint journal as a long-distance relationship couple is nothing impossible and it is something that will bring life to your relationship. So, here are four steps you should follow to have the best journal in your relationship.
1. Choose An Online Journaling Application
Just like I mentioned in the last post for long-distance relationship couples, the world is now digital and there have been a lot of provisions made overtime to solve the problem of distance, space, and time, all you need to do is to use it to your advantage. There are a lot of journaling apps that you and your partner can make use of. Check out some of them here. All you need to do is to decide on which one of them you are comfortable with and learn how to make good use of it.
2. Find Activities That Bring You Together
In our post here, we discussed five ways long-distance relationship couples can keep their relationship alive you might want to check the post out here. The reason for this second point is so that you both can have memories together as a couple despite the distance between you. There will be nothing to journal if nothing brings you together to create memories. You can decide to pray together, go on online dates, go on a walk, have a book or video review, just about anything that would help you to have shared memories and events to journal.
Agree On A Day To Journal
One of the things that a long-distance relationship requires is time. A couple in a long-distance relationship should create time for each other to give birth to fun memories and be there for each other to record these memories. As mentioned in the previous journalling post, one of the points of having a relationship journal is to strengthen your bond and this is done when both of you can come together to share your emotions and put them down in your journal while making more memories.
You need to make out a day and time where you journal as a couple. Technology has made this easy because there are apps like team viewer that can help you access your partner's computer from wherever you are. With an app like this, you can journal together easily.
Be Creative
This is one of the tips shared in the previous post on joint relationship journal and you may want to check it out here. What is the point of having an online journal when it is going to be boring? You and your partner can think of ways to make your journals colorful and fun such as doodling or attaching pictures from the event or occurrences that you are journaling. Just about anything to create a beautiful memory?
Who says a long-distance relationship can never be fun? Let me know in the comments section other steps you think we can use to spice up our long-distance relationships.
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