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5 Tips to Help You Build a Better Relationship

Before I get right into what we are to discuss I would like to say that making change happen in your life and your relationship is dependent on a lot…

Book Review: Prayer Deposits by Allison Hyacintho

You must be familiar with the: Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer... Prayer is the Master key. For some partners, their parents had sta…

How Social Media Affects Your Relationship

Depending on how you place them, Facebook , Whatsapp , Twitter and Instagram amongst many other social media platforms affect relationships posit…

5 Ways to Effectively Pray with Your Partner

When Jesus said this in scriptures, He actually meant "any two persons" and not specifically for individuals in a relationship. Now, i…

Conviction, Communication and Romance in Godly Relationships

Many times, we are asked how we got the conviction that we were meant for each other, especially because many people today have specs for the kind …

10 Major Prayers To Pray While Waiting

There are Here is a compilation of ten major prayer points

Taking Risks in a Relationship: Can you take a bullet for your partner?

Understanding God's design and Intent for Sex

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