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10 Ways to Love Yourself (Self-Love) in 2024

It is possible to make your friends, family, and spouse happy and show them, love, without you knowing how to love yourself. You most times feel like…

How to Handle Breakup Scares

It is very true that not everything will end up in tears. Sometimes you will excellently come out of that situation unhurt and in cases where you a…

Who Deserves More Respect in a Relationship?

I’d rather ask what Respect is and have you reply that ''Respect is reciprocal'' whereas, the respect you practice is far from reci…

How to Lead a more Spiritual Partner

It is very possible for a female partner to be more spiritually mature than her male partner. Especially if the man became a true follower of Christ …

5 Ways to Maintain a Praying Lifestyle in Your Relationship

The absence of prayer does great harm to any individual, group, or thing. Here are 5 simple ways to maintain a praying lifestyle in your relationship…

Privacy in a Relationship

Have you ever thought of having privacy in your relationship? Is privacy even allowed in a relationship- whether courting or married?  At certain poi…

How Two Become One

When God formed Eve out of Adam’s side and gave a reason for the creation of the marriage union, He also gave a summary of how a marriage and relatio…

How to Secure Happiness in your Relationship

There is this feeling and want to talk to really old couples who are still alive and holding up together, happily. I want to ask what was able to put…
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