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Top 10 Restaurants in Ebonyi for Lovers this Valentines Day

Every year, lovers try to celebrate one another in different ways - one of which is spending quality time with each other. For one, lovers can spend quality time with each other over plates of food at a cozy, yet reasonably affordable restaurant. This is why I’m out article today, we have compiled a list of 10

1. Monded Restaurant

Launched in 2023, Monded Restaurant is located at Ezza Road, Abakaliki. Although in a small space, the restaurant features an ambience that’s suitable for lovers, friends and small family gatherings.

2. Chicken Republic

Of a truth, Chicken Republic is a long time restaurant business and while it may not be good taste for everyone, your budget may still afford you the opportunity to patronize them. For lovers this valentine who do not want to use a large budget but still intend to enjoy themselves to the fullest, you can consider visiting any Chicken Republic branch near you in Lagos State.

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